The first period of project started on 01.04.2019 and ended on 30.09.2019.
On project management, the lead partner appointed project coordinator and marketing coordinator. Also country level coordinators were appointed. All partners appointed relevant staff for project implementations. Working group was created having representatives from all partners and project kick-off meeting (combined with 1st working group meeting) and 2nd working group meeting organized (1 in EE and 1 in RU).
Associated partners (including from Latvia) were involved in project implementation to ensure sustainability and capitalization of previous Via Hanseatica developments. Full review of time-schedule and activity plan was made by partners to ensure efficient implementation period.
Via Hanseatica marketing actions have started by creating marketing plan both for the project and for the tourism route of Via Hanseatica. As Via Hanseatica Plus territories has been added to route, then also updated visual identity has been created. Plans for presenting The route in social media has been created and responsible team appointed, regular updates in Facebook and Instagram agreed (starting next period).
Via Hanseatica Plus has been presented on 1 major event: International Hanseatic Days in Pskov in June 2019, reaching around 100 000 potential visitors (interactive quest organized for guests of festival, prizes given, our regions actively presented the route in Via Hanseatica Plus stand and stands of project partners regions: Vidzeme, Pskov and Tartu. Via Hanseatica and its Plus regions were also presented in Boating Festival in Vyborg in September 2019, reaching around 5600 potential visitors.
To have more active involvement of our stakeholders, the update and refresh of Via Hanseatica stakeholders lists were started and many entrepreneurs contacted to ensure sustainable growth of the network. New plans and activities within the present project were published in web-pages of project partners and also info on Via Hanseatica Plus initiatives added to The update of travel planner with Plus territories will be done in next periods.
The Project Via Hanseatica Plus is funded by the Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme.
Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 aims to foster cross-border cooperation across the borders between the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation to promote socio-economic development in the regions on both sides of the common borders. The Programme web-site is
The project’s budget for the upcoming two years is 510 068 euros, 10% of which is covered by the partners as their own contribution. Programme co-financing is 459 061.2 euros.
Additional information: Annika Ojasaar, Tartu County Tourism Foundation,
Read more about project HERE and all news HERE.
The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Tartu County Tourism and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020, its participating countries alongside with the European Union.